JSON Web Encryption (JWE)

The encryption is completed via a JWE mechanism, supported by JOSE. Generally, this means:

  1. The client creates a key pair and delivers the public key to Wise. Wise will use this public key for response encryption. The format, type, and details required are included below.
  2. The client requests Wise's public key and uses it to encrypt the request.
  3. Once steps (1) and (2) are complete, the client encrypts a request body and makes a call to the Wise API.
  4. Wise will decrypt the encrypted request using its private key and then perform additional checks.
  5. Wise will return the response encrypted with the provided public key. The partner’s system must accept the media type specified (see details below).
  6. The partner decrypts payload from the returned JWE.

Wise allows to upload public keys via API. See Add a new client public key. To use JWE, the scope should be set to PAYLOAD_ENCRYPTION, and the algorithm should be RSA_OAEP_256.

Here is a step-by-step workflow with the required information for successful request encryption.

1. Create request JWE headers

Create a request body as-per our usual API reference (see example).

List of required JWE headers:

algRFC-7516 section-4.1.1
encRFC-7516 section-4.1.2

Currently, we only support the RSA-OAEP-256 algorithm and the A256GCM content encryption algorithm. For further support of other algorithms and encryption methods please contact your implementation manager.

JOSE Headers
"alg": "RSA-OAEP-256",
"enc": "A256GCM"
Payload To Be Encrypted
"subject": "Inquiry about Transfer 12345",
"details": {
"transferId": 58114690,
"profileId": 14556049,
"userId": 1234
"externalId": "partner_external_id_12345",
"description": "Initial summary of the issue"

2. Message Encryption

For instructions on encrypting messages, please refer to RFC-7516 section-5.1.

Wise only supports JWE with Key Encryption employed. A Key Management Mode in which the CEK value is encrypted to the intended recipient using an asymmetric encryption algorithm.

List of supported cryptographic algorithms:

RSA-OAEP-256RFC-7518 section-4.1

List of supported content encryption algorithms:

A256GCMRFC-7518 section-5.1
Encrypted API HTTP Request Body Example

3. Submit an authenticated API request

The Wise public API supports the use of JWE for all HTTP request methods, including those without an expected HTTP request body, such as GET requests. When we receive an HTTP request without a body, our system performs only response payload encryption.

The request must include the following headers (all are required):

  • Content-Type: application/jose+json
  • Accept: application/jose+json
  • X-TW-JOSE-Method: jwe
Complete API POST request
curl -X POST 'https://api.transferwise.com/v1/cases' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer XXXXXXX' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/jose+json' \
-H 'Accept: application/jose+json' \
-H 'X-TW-JOSE-Method: jwe' \
-H 'Accept-Encoding: identity' \
-d 'eyJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIiwiYWxnIjoiUlNBLU9BRVAtMjU2IiwidXJsIjoiL3YxL2Nhc2VzIn0.B9g-Z3eJrKFK7eALNjL363ZXHn_us_axnfIJqB4GH8ayvL2QvK8OVlrONI3HGlq80zNzaFGSugzMzptJeQxa3jz92QK3Ks-JVRUH9vEMe99fDEuvvIWHKRA-yuCs1UBRSYjt1NxskX9Vo97xmjzLyy5ysOrz5SJYJj2okKnZ7DZuNNfZ7m6wKqxFJDJ2S_y6uJQXGiv5isip1WGd54qagiK5L_9pACZNBAG9IBErojY8L0xruCjkt1-2jktyDa6t1euER_CSstiYM55Lie2EZKnDKVIJ1zOuOEqMPOFEbwNhZaJyspNiWeu0l87zo7K8_Vu6VCeSaVo0fvH7Fm6Dtg.yenUpQ_KISjo0JMk.nk5h-UKewy4wJsCk2prAK5bmUbc-PQEPHW3YtxUMBk8u5X59bHXOsol5H4foKPeRvUIw8lx-yOLck2pvh7QESUoiWSwVguuKn3w-V3AdhhTXm6Bzij_6wndusILAHThBHlwRrUuU1amG69nNxDsLNv_zmZ1ZSZfwJz01sy6dcKEolD4xH72hPIBYKrNk5ihkiV8DgzTVF-rAcBODTQ10PTd4ZWIDsvTGL49neD9WcLMVpaUwG8NMOARY4w_pr0ikTlcjFUP2vOFhq6I1KwxrRJFRNb60ifY2w-_-2Dmab4kWtwTFrkFCj2T8hUV0vZQcYldxUGCDPnSIPaHk_x9O-y66lMwyyi70ug.AMyL0XyQJ6roHeGAc_Du1Q'
Complete API GET request
curl -X GET 'https://api.transferwise.com/v1/cases/123456789' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer XXXXXXX' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/jose+json' \
-H 'Accept: application/jose+json' \
-H 'X-TW-JOSE-Method: jwe' \
-H 'Accept-Encoding: identity'

4. Decrypt the response

Our system is designed to enhance security by encrypting HTTP responses. When a JWE (JSON Web Encryption) is utilized in an HTTP request, we respond with a JWE message. The response encryption algorithm and the content encryption algorithm are matched with those used in the initial HTTP request. Additionally, we include the public key ID, which was used for encrypting the response payload, as part of the kid (Key Identifier) in the JOSE Header.

For instructions on decrypting messages, please refer to RFC-7516 section-5.2

Response JOSE Headers
"alg": "RSA-OAEP-256",
"enc": "A256GCM",
"kid": "663a0e44-aa4a-4ff0-a9f8-cd99f5fbad71"

4a. Decrypt directly encrypted response

Our system supports end-to-end application-level encryption, which can be used for securing requests between mobile clients and Wise. In this scenario, the response encryption is implicitly handled using direct encryption. Our system employs the original content encryption key, used in the request, to encrypt the response.

For more information about direct encryption, please refer to RFC-7518 section-4.5.

Response JOSE Headers