Wise uses the JOSE framework to accept and respond with signed and encrypted payloads. The following endpoints allow you to manage keys that apply to this process.
For more information, please speak with your Implementation team.
GET /v1/auth/jose/response/public-keys
This endpoint returns a public key issued by Wise for verifying signed HTTP responses and for encrypting payloads. These parameters must always be included.
For both signature verification and payload encryption, the process involves storing this public key after retrieval. In both cases, the stored public key should be used without calling this endpoint.
If verification of the signed request fails or you receive an encryption error, call this API once to issue a fresh key from Wise and then try verification one more time.
Fetch a specific public key version. If omitted the most recent public key is provided.
Algorithm to be used for signature verification or payload encryption. This must match the algorithm used during request.
- Signature verification (Scope:
- Payload encryption (Scope:
Scope of the signature. Value must be PAYLOAD_SIGNING
Returns a public key object.
Version of the public key issued.
Algorithm to be used with the key. Values can be ES256
, ES384
, ES512
, PS256
, PS384
, PS512
, or RSA_OAEP_256
Public key material.
Scope of the key. Value will be PAYLOAD_SIGNING
curl -X GET \-H 'Authorization: Bearer {{client-credentials-token}}'
{"version": 1,"keyMaterial": {"algorithm": "ES512","keyMaterial": "MIGbMBAGByqGSM49AgEGBSuBBAAjA4GGAAQBYAwVICxD0Paq7MOuO34omujHxSrQXZtiTQ/VMteqAeUfM4wE+vTSpbYCqb1pNhhcQpF+FJd2H8jB1H1zil7qLLcBw+yl4PrnLza1pmNLr+kqQVoVXVyVx/xxMK2WObLn8tHxXtW4k+bm1/ySF+0RQ265IZcw2i8YYX2FY59JkwE2Fac="},"scope": "PAYLOAD_SIGNING"}
POST /v1/auth/jose/request/public-keys
This endpoint allows clients to upload their public keys for request payload signing.
Unique public key identifier in uuid
The key is valid from the date in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
. The time zone is always UTC
The key is valid till the date in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
. The time zone is always UTC
Scope of the payload operation.
Supported scopes are: PAYLOAD_SIGNING
Algorithm to be used for:
- Signature verification (Scope:
- Payload encryption (Scope:
Public key material in DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules) format and base64 encoded.
Returns a 201 - Created
and response object
Unique public key identifier in uuid
The key is valid from the date in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
. The time zone is always UTC
The key is valid till the date in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
. The time zone is always UTC
Scope of the payload operation.
Algorithm to be used for request signature verification or for response payload encryption.
Public key material in DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules) format and base64 encoded.
This field is currently not in use and will always return null
This field is currently not in use and will always return null
curl --location '' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{client-credentials-token}}' \--data '{"keyId": "e87da464-8e5e-4380-8f2d-4e4e04052672","scope": "PAYLOAD_SIGNING","validFrom": "2023-04-27 00:00:00","validTill": "2024-04-01 00:00:00","publicKeyMaterial": {"algorithm": "ES512","keyMaterial": "MIGbMBAGByqGSM49AgEGBSuBBAAjA4GGAAQBYAwVICxD0Paq7MOuO34omujHxSrQXZtiTQ/VMteqAeUfM4wE+vTSpbYCqb1pNhhcQpF+FJd2H8jB1H1zil7qLLcBw+yl4PrnLza1pmNLr+kqQVoVXVyVx/xxMK2WObLn8tHxXtW4k+bm1/ySF+0RQ265IZcw2i8YYX2FY59JkwE2Fac="}}'curl --location '' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{client-credentials-token}}' \--data '{"keyId": "9d09e43f-3c16-4683-9c07-db7e992b2050","scope": "PAYLOAD_ENCRYPTION","validFrom": "2023-04-27 00:00:00","validTill": "2024-04-01 00:00:00","publicKeyMaterial": {"algorithm": "RSA_OAEP_256","keyMaterial": "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAwBjfPXePuZJr6jXEPibN8fpgysswqURHJGk5tod+T3SZBgVEXji0cuXF6xCdh7FMwIUROZ3ZsJFxOwyX8dNYzqEiiQy+C/wCr7/OzvRXQsy6qEQyW8fFsuEuqHRwb+ndAtz7HWZhq7P3K8XHCvJ72zeqZySXmxMYZDVwiwp+kMfRofLIivBjkN5DGWfn/7sxDLJr7/DdNgM1lMIHJtc3arffExROOnYkZ+UaUDxPo22Wnrdeb1h5S9s9m8Z46etMVEDbKJ7KEFppcRbMdckLnY3THZm/le5oxjrdVEDyhVioTC01NT0CTiqnNHfzB90ktWLsbKVww+bgDKAgx2x8EQIDAQAB"}}'
{"clientId": null,"keyId": "e87da464-8e5e-4380-8f2d-4e4e04052672","scope": "PAYLOAD_SIGNING","validTill": "2023-04-27 00:00:00","validFrom": "2024-04-01 00:00:00","publicKeyMaterial": {"algorithm": "ES512","keyMaterial": "MIGbMBAGByqGSM49AgEGBSuBBAAjA4GGAAQBYAwVICxD0Paq7MOuO34omujHxSrQXZtiTQ/VMteqAeUfM4wE+vTSpbYCqb1pNhhcQpF+FJd2H8jB1H1zil7qLLcBw+yl4PrnLza1pmNLr+kqQVoVXVyVx/xxMK2WObLn8tHxXtW4k+bm1/ySF+0RQ265IZcw2i8YYX2FY59JkwE2Fac="},"deactivationTimestamp": null},{"clientId": null,"keyId": "9d09e43f-3c16-4683-9c07-db7e992b2050","scope": "PAYLOAD_ENCRYPTION","validTill": "2023-04-27 00:00:00","validFrom": "2024-04-01 00:00:00","publicKeyMaterial": {"algorithm": "RSA_OAEP_256","keyMaterial": "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAwBjfPXePuZJr6jXEPibN8fpgysswqURHJGk5tod+T3SZBgVEXji0cuXF6xCdh7FMwIUROZ3ZsJFxOwyX8dNYzqEiiQy+C/wCr7/OzvRXQsy6qEQyW8fFsuEuqHRwb+ndAtz7HWZhq7P3K8XHCvJ72zeqZySXmxMYZDVwiwp+kMfRofLIivBjkN5DGWfn/7sxDLJr7/DdNgM1lMIHJtc3arffExROOnYkZ+UaUDxPo22Wnrdeb1h5S9s9m8Z46etMVEDbKJ7KEFppcRbMdckLnY3THZm/le5oxjrdVEDyhVioTC01NT0CTiqnNHfzB90ktWLsbKVww+bgDKAgx2x8EQIDAQAB"},"deactivationTimestamp": null}
POST /v1/auth/jose/playground/jws
This endpoint enables clients to send test signed HTTP requests and receive signed responses. Signing is mandatory for this API endpoint, any message that is not a JSON Web Signature (JWS) will be rejected.
Any text. For example: This is an example from
Returns a 200 - OK
and signed response object
The response message will be prefixed with jose-playground-response-
followed by the original message from the request. Please note that the message length is limited to 100 symbols.
Original HTTP request method name: POST
curl -X POST --location '' \--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>' \--header 'Content-Type: application/jose+json' \--header 'Accept: application/jose+json' \--header 'x-tw-jose-method: jws' \--data 'eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsInVybCI6Ii92MS9hdXRoL2pvc2UvcGxheWdyb3VuZC9qd3MifQ.eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiVGhpcyBpcyBhbiBleGFtcGxlIGZyb20gZG9jcy53aXNlLmNvbSJ9.AS9QHdkWvUEn0LxQEMPRBzlceN78J-Le-Qm1XIkkSBpsGdc0WM0MZTIGFEAJEcWeUR2M-abtd5DRdar4hLzs9apPAQ-GT70SIDV6pX9-4UKfIfzJ4g305zCoHflTfn-ijvI7XrVR_yr7xO9GJo86bfBqAX_m5uuxyU7Jy9gM1epd8HcC'
{"message": "jose-playground-response-This is an example from","method": "POST"}
POST /v1/auth/jose/playground/jwe
This endpoint enables clients to send test encrypted HTTP requests and receive encrypted responses. Encryption is mandatory for this API endpoint, any message that is not a JSON Web Encryption (JWE) will be rejected.
Any text. For example: This is an example from
Returns a 200 - OK
and encrypted response object
The response message will be prefixed with jose-playground-response-
followed by the original message from the request. Please note that the message length is limited to 100 symbols.
Original HTTP request method name: POST
curl -X POST --location '' \--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>' \--header 'Content-Type: application/jose+json' \--header 'Accept: application/jose+json' \--header 'x-tw-jose-method: jwe' \--data 'eyJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIiwiYWxnIjoiUlNBLU9BRVAtMjU2In0.W_WPBDXclMryaywqAB-_yC1hUYukKmZxByhE9d1G8hClc2HpewkryILGJW4uVTUeRdo1oVWd68TPIqi7bqMGUsrT-3MI4ggVSjC1rf8Lf1xTZ8-GHjSPso8tFBXnydOKzggi6fnfk98BIW76Rnxkn6sW79LH5NgN1spTOoh8-tI3i_wbHdqJOxTReaUNMYZobm7wxedZcRxhsaSrVqx2qdELeqkfwgvB1DRbHTF_PTe4W0ibMbcJivHjiDf6oAV9vXgVhYb66rhB43pgdFDv4nY1mkQC45R5T6CBdzv80EdAVOj1G4bktHyJWaJzHVsGozpxsNj3bt1AopyvDO8tsw.WLOO5WH4ZpBPi-8B.0g3eUpQPvRIaTbgUi6sH0WejsJ1nLWDGnDKTktZrkquLQlCMmIguj0I5UCyqXEo.URtTniRvfGxrKRLK63trug'
{"message": "jose-playground-response-This is an example from","method": "POST"}
POST /v1/auth/jose/playground/jwe-direct-encryption
This endpoint allows clients to send encrypted HTTP requests for testing purposes and receive responses encrypted with the original content encryption key. Encryption is mandatory for this API endpoint, any message that is not in JSON Web Encryption (JWE) format will be rejected.
Any text. For example: This is an example from
Returns a 200 - OK
and encrypted response object
The response message will be prefixed with jose-playground-response-
followed by the original message from the request. Please note that the message length is limited to 100 symbols.
Original HTTP request method name: POST
curl -X POST --location '' \--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>' \--header 'Content-Type: application/jose+json' \--header 'Accept: application/jose+json' \--header 'x-tw-jose-method: jwe' \--data 'eyJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIiwiYWxnIjoiUlNBLU9BRVAtMjU2In0.rVqOhX92u637hqwrw96rqA48e7NhMZVeWvUZwA4OAwOa_sBVcpXecd6qivPfZ-CuhRaD4gNKUlUJnTedBwOh5hcDZELRWThtwNiTZKaDS_ZNDjJf1r0VQPj65nT2ikfPAP-S6cYCy6JbWXivf7Jwq6lus-QydmxoLlVRvAuROFe-HzlH0-JhlwOdhPwbwl1AGx64qEir7oOn5VezJvpx3sscipm3w30mfoFc7pLlscMijMNFUwngXCLmgpno1rC_ZDzRcEycVbwvgKW75jO25UyEJif25MdE0UJUx4IT6MDviHqtBXO4OQpwhd_W6jVk-PlZ1WkZyOZqpi8HLKGo8Q.eFHqPV-mcBC82Ga2.W9o2BT7Q-vEUA2u3n4gaSdfQY_4svVj0-jwjcXmlBraZEKmtTW_A1ygvr8b9iHfS9fkxL8H_6S_oEcqzFqTKmNTzwe2V0cRY-kvzsKI.lO2gETmo2WocPZoTpU-pkQ'
{"message": "jose-playground-response-This is an example from","method": "POST"}
GET /v1/auth/jose/playground/jwe
This endpoint enables clients to send test HTTP GET requests and receive encrypted responses.
Returns a 200 - OK
and encrypted response object
The response message is always jose-playground-response-
Original HTTP request method name: GET
curl -X GET --location '' \--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>' \--header 'Content-Type: application/jose+json' \--header 'Accept: application/jose+json' \--header 'x-tw-jose-method: jwe'
{"message": "jose-playground-response-","method": "GET"}