Refreshing Access
Access token to be used when calling API endpoints on behalf of user. Valid for 12 hours.
Refresh token which you need to use in order to request new access_token. The lifetime of refresh tokens is 20 years.
Expiry time in seconds
Creation time in ISO 8601 format
{"access_token": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef","token_type": "bearer","refresh_token": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef","expires_in": 43199,"scope": "transfers","created_at": "2020-01-01T12:33:33.12345Z"}
Access tokens are designed to expire after a shot period of time, representing a login session to the Wise Platform API. This increases security of the user's account in case the token is leaked.
In order to maintain an uninterrupted connection, you can request a new access token whenever the previous one is close to expiring. There is no need to wait for the actual expiration to happen first.
POST /oauth/token
Access tokens are valid for 12 hours, so upon expiry you need to use the refresh token to generate a new access token.
In order to maintain an uninterrupted connection, you can request a new access token whenever it’s close to expiring. There is no need to wait for the actual expiration to happen first.
Depending on how your application uses the Wise Platform API, you may find that requesting a new access token before attempting a series of API calls on behalf of an individual user will avoid issues with expired access tokens.
User's refresh token obtained from creating or linking to a Wise user.
Returns a user tokens object
curl \-u '<client id>:<client secret>' \-d 'grant_type=refresh_token' \-d 'refresh_token=<user refresh token>'
It is also possible that a user's refresh token will become invalid. This could happen for a number of reasons, for example:
- The refresh token's validity period expires (usually set at three months or more)
- The user revokes the access of your application to their account.
- The user enables enhanced security on their Wise account.
- Wise revoke a token due to a suspected security breach of the token or your client secret.
Due to this possibility your application should handle the scenario where you fail to generate a new access token from the refresh token. Correctly handling this depends on how you originally gained access to the user.
If you were granted access by an existing user then you should send the user through the same flow as you initially did to generate tokens described in linking to an existing Wise account. You will then have new access and refresh tokens generated which you can now store and use as before.