Hosted KYC

This guide will direct you through the Hosted KYC (Know Your Customer) Flow. Generally, the process for starting a Hosted KYC flow includes following steps:

  1. Subscribe to KYC Review state change webhook.

  2. Create an authenticated quote that includes source and target currencies and the amount your customer wants to transfer. See Create a quote

  3. Start a KYC review. KYC review can be created in following scenarios.

    1. Creating KYC Review manually for the Quote created in step 2 by using Create KYC Review endpoint. This is used to check KYC requirements and, if necessary, direct the customer to Hosted KYC flow to fulfill them before the transfer is created.

    2. KYC Review is created automatically when there is a new transfer. KYC requirements may vary for each transfer depending on the source and target currencies, amount, etc.

    In both scenarios above, a webhook message with the KYC Review status will be sent. See KYC Review Status for all possible values for KYC Review status can have.

  4. Update the KYC Review when an action is required by the customer, KYC Review status will be WAITING_CUSTOMER_INPUT. To retrieve the link for Hosted KYC flow to direct the customer to, use Update KYC Review endpoint. This endpoint accepts redirectUrl field that is used to redirect the customer once the Hosted KYC flow is completed. During the redirection, the redirectUrl will be appended with query parameters: status=success or status=error, indicating whether Hosted KYC flow was completed successfully or not. For the full reference, see the KYC Review API reference.

  5. Direct your customer to Wise Hosted KYC page using the link received in step 4.

  6. Once customer provides necessary information on the Hosted KYC flow then the customer is redirected back to the redirectUrl provided in step 4.

  7. Customer provided information is reviewed automatically or manually (depending on the information type) by Wise. Based on the review result:

    1. Customer provided information is accepted. Webhook message with PASSED KYC Review status is sent. Customer can proceed with the underlying action (quote or transfer).

    2. More information is required from the customer. Webhook message with WAITING_CUSTOMER_INPUT KYC Review status is sent. Continue from step 4 to direct the customer to Hosted KYC flow to provide more information.

Below is a sequence diagram of Hosted KYC flow.

Hosted KYC flow Sequence Diagram

This guide assumes that you already have completed the process of account creation and that you have a valid access token. If you have not completed this step, please review the guide that applies to your connection type.