Open Banking

The Wise Open Banking API is aimed for Financially Regulated Third Party Providers who can prove their regulatory status either by being a member of the Open Banking Directory or possessing an eIDAS Certificate. Third Parties or individuals who do not meet these requirements are welcome to check out our Public API.

The Wise Open Banking API is a collection of RESTful APIs that enable Third Party Providers (TPPs) to access account information, initiate payments and confirm availability of funds on behalf of Wise customers. The API implementation follows the Open Banking UK standard, and Wise is a registered member of the Open Banking Directory.

Through this API you can either query account information, if you're an Account Information Service Provider (AISP), initiate payments, if you're a Payment Initiation Service Provider (PISP), or confirm the availability of funds, if you're a Card Based Payment Instrument Issuer (CBPII). We are currently supporting version 3.1.1 of the Open Banking API.

Base Open Banking URL in Sandbox

Base Open Banking URL in Production

We offer our bespoke Connected Applications API as a secondary API, acting as a contingency mechanism. The Connected Applications API provide the same set of functionality for both AISPs and PISPs as our Open Banking API does. In order to avoid any delays in switching over to the contingency mechanism during a major outage of the Open Banking API, we encourage TPPs to preemptively seek out registration to our contingency mechanism by reaching out to and specifically requesting access to the contingency mechanism.

There's a couple of things you should be aware of in order to connect to the Wise Open Banking API:

  • Being a registered TPP under the Open Banking Directory will ease the integration process.
  • We are using mutualTLS as the means for authentication. Moreover, the CN of your client certificate is expected to match the clientId under which you are registered.
  • You need to register your client, before you'll be able to call any of the APIs. Check out the Sandbox Access first.

For a detailed description of requirements and supported algorithms please check out the Well-Known Open Banking URL.

Well-Known Open Banking URL in Sandbox

Well-Known Open Banking URL in Production

If you're a registered TPP at the Open Banking Directory you can simply use our Dynamic Client Registration endpoint to self-onboard your organization using the Software Statement Assertion issued by the Open Banking Directory.

Confirmation of Payee clients

In case you're looking to onboard a Confirmation of Payee (CoP) client please make sure to include the cop scope into the list of requests scopes. The list of requested scopes should be:

"scope": "openid openbanking payments cop"

Dynamic Client Registration URL in Sandbox

Dynamic Client Registration URL in Production

We highly recommend that you get started with connecting to our sandbox first, before moving on to production. To get started with the registration process drop us an email to

Open Banking Directory

If you're a registered TPP in the Open Banking Directory you will probably be using a Signing and a Transport certificates issued by Open Banking. The accepted Open Banking certificates are the eIDAS-like OBWAC and OBSeal certificates.

Legacy Open Banking Transport and Signing certificates are no longer supported after 30 June 2021.

You can easily onboard by providing a Software Statement Assertion (SSA) generated in the Open Banking Directory.

Please make sure to have your list of Redirect Uri-s correctly configured in your Software Statement, otherwise you'll not be able to go through the whole flow.

eIDAS Certificates

In case you're using an eIDAS certificates instead of the ones issued by the Open Banking Directory just contact us at to see how we can move forward.

You can sign up for a test user account here The 2FA code used for any subsequent logins to the sandbox will alway be 111111.

You'll be asked to set up a developer account by filling in your profile information. Once this is done, you'll see that your newly created profile comes with a couple of test accounts opened and some test funds in them.

You do NOT need to create an API Token via the web interface in case your intention is to use this test user for the Open Banking flow.

After you've successfully applied for the Sandbox Access and you've set up a Sandbox Test User you are ready to test the Open Banking flow. For the purpose of this test flow let's assume that your TPP is an AISP and it's registered with the following details

Client IDRedirect URIAuthorized Scopes

As a first step you'll need to request an access token from the Token Endpoint.



grant_typeOAuth Grant Typeclient_credentials
scopeThe requested scopesSpace separated list
client_idThe client ID in accordance with RFC8705Text

You must include the requested scope in your token request. As an AISP your requested scope will be accounts.


access_tokenThe access tokenText
expires_inExpiration time in secondsLong
scopeThe scopes you have been given access toText
Example Token Request
curl -X POST \ \
--cacert CA.pem --cert client.pem --key client.key \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-d 'grant_type=client_credentials&scope=accounts&client_id=ob-dummy-tpp'
Example Token Response
"access_token": "abcd1234-abcd-1234-abcd-abcdef123456",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 6000,
"scope": "accounts openbanking"


Using the access-token returned from Creating an Access Token you can create a new consent object. Use the authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx

The payload of this request will look different depending on whether you're an AISP, PISP or CBPII. For an AISP you'll need to specify a set of permissions describing the access that you wish to gain on behalf of the end user.


For AISPs the list of supported permissions is:

  • ReadAccountsBasic
  • ReadAccountsDetail
  • ReadBalances
  • ReadTransactionsBasic
  • ReadTransactionsCredits
  • ReadTransactionsDebits
  • ReadTransactionsDetail
  • ReadDirectDebits


The response will be JSON data reflecting the newly created consent object. There are two important return values to highlight here.

  • Data.Status will contain AwaitingAuthorisation because this consent has not been authorized by the user yet.
  • Data.ConsentId will contain the unique identifier assigned to your consent object. Save this, as you'll need it later.
Example Create Consent
curl -X POST \ \
--cacert CA.pem --cert client.pem --key client.key \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcd1234-abcd-1234-abcd-abcdef123456' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"Data": {
"Permissions": [
"ReadAccountsBasic", "ReadTransactionsBasic", "ReadTransactionsDebits"
Example Create Consent Response
"Data": {
"Status": "AwaitingAuthorisation",
"ConsentId": "123"

At the moment we are only supporting the browser redirect flow (Hybrid Flow) for authorizing the created consent.

The customer journey will start from the TPPs website from where a user action will trigger a redirect to the Wise Open Banking Authorization Endpoint


response_typeMandatorycode id_token
redirect_uriMandatoryOne of the pre-registered redirect URIs
scopeMandatoryMust include openid plus any requested scope
client_idMandatoryPre-registered clientId of the TPP
requestMandatoryJWT Request Object
stateOptionalIf present, it must also be present in the JWT
nonceOptionalIf present, it must also be present in the JWT

You can take a look at the example JWT request object on the right. Please note that:

  • Every request parameter sent in the URL must also be present in the signed JWT.
  • The aud claim should be correctly filled as
  • The openbanking_intent_id must be filled with a valid ConsentId issued to the TPP.
  • The JWT must be signed with a valid signing certificate.

Once the TPP redirects the user browser to the Authorization Endpoint the following things will happen in order:

  1. User Login (use the username and password from the Test User Registration)
  2. Pass 2FA challenge (User the code 111111 in sandbox)
  3. Select profile you wish to give access to (Business or Personal)
  4. Review and Authorize Consent
  5. Redirect back to TPP

As part of the last step, the user browser is redirected to the TPP with the following parameters

codeMandatoryThe authorization_code issued as the request of the request
id_tokenMandatorySigned JWT containing details about the authorization
stateOptionalIn case it was provided with the request

Note that in case the authorization request fails either because of a validation error on the request, or because the enduser drops off, we still redirect the user browser to the TPP with an error response of the following format:

errorError code according to RFC6749Text
error_descriptionDetailed explanation of errorText
Example Authorization Request
Example Authorization JWT Response
"kid": "er84c2cYa6dAe57BV3278Pf",
"alg": "PS256",
"typ": "JWT"
"scope" : "openid accounts",
"response_type" : "code id_token",
"sub" : "user_id",
"claims" : {
"id_token" : {
"openbanking_intent_id" : {
"essential" : true,
"value" : "123"
"acr" : {
"values" : [
"essential" : true
"userinfo" : {
"openbanking_intent_id" : {
"value" : "123",
"essential" : true
"iss" : "ob-dummy-tpp",
"client_id" : "ob-dummy-tpp",
"aud" : "",
"exp" : 2499287201,
"iat" : 2499283601,
"max_age" : 86400,
"redirect_uri" : "https://ob-dummy-tpp/redirect"

Once you get the authorization code after the browser redirect, you'll have to call the Token Endpoint to exchange this for a valid access token.



grant_typeOAuth Grant Typeauthorization_code
redirect_uriPre-registered redirect UriURI
codeAuthorization CodeText
client_idThe client ID in accordance with RFC8705Text


access_tokenThe access tokenText
expires_inExpiration time in secondsLong
scopeThe scopes you have been given access toText
refresh_tokenRefresh Token for refreshing access tokenText
Example Exchange Authorization Code for Access Token Request
curl -X POST \ \
--cacert CA.pem --cert client.pem --key client.key \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-d 'grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fob-dummy-tpp%2Fredirect&code=abcdauthcode&client_id=ob-dummy-tpp'
Example Exchange Authorization Code for Access Token Response
"access_token": "zzzzzzzz-1111-2222-3333-zzzzzzzzzzzz",
"token_type": "bearer",
"refresh_token": "refreshr-efre-shre-fres-hrefreshrefr",
"expires_in": 6000,
"scope": "accounts consent-id:123 openbanking openid"

With the access-token from Authorization Code Flow used in the Authorization header, you'll be able to query the data endpoints.

Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx

Query API Request
curl -X GET \ \
--cacert CA.pem --cert client.pem --key client.key \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer zzzzzzzz-1111-2222-3333-zzzzzzzzzzzz' \
Query API Response
"Data": {
"Account": [
"AccountId": "504",
"Currency": "GBP",
"AccountType": "Personal",
"AccountSubType": "EMoney",
"Account": [
"SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber",
"Identification": "230xxx1000xxxx",
"Name": "John Smith (GBP)"
"Servicer": {
"SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.BICFI",
"Identification": "TRWIGB22"

POST /open-banking/auth/token

The Token Endpoint supports the grant types: client_credentials, authorization_code and refresh_token. Every request made to the Token Endpoint should include the client_id request parameter as described by RFC6749, this helps us bind the client certificate used for the request with your client_id.


Querying the accounts endpoint will return all open currency accounts of the consented user.

GET /open-banking/v3.1/aisp/accounts

GET /open-banking/v3.1/aisp/accounts/{id}

Note: Not every multi-currency account opened in Wise has a unique set of local bank details attached to it. Therefore, it's expected that some of the currency accounts returned will have an empty OBReadAccount3/Data/Account/Account. We encourage AISPs to instead use the unique ID OBReadAccount3/Data/Account/AccountId for identifying different accounts. There's nothing inherently different between accounts with and without bank details, you can call the Balances and Transactions endpoints for either of them. Note: These endpoints are also available for v3.1.11 (simply replace v3.1 with v3.1.11 in the URL).


Querying the balances endpoint will return the current balance of each supported currency.

GET /open-banking/v3.1/aisp/accounts/{id}/balances

Note: This endpoint is also available for v3.1.11 (simply replace v3.1 with v3.1.11 in the URL).


Querying the transactions endpoint will return a list of transactions from within the consented time window. If the consent associated with the request is recent (less than 90 days old), we will allow requests to fetch transactions as old as you like. If however the consent is older than 90 days, we will only allow requests to fetch transactions up to 90 days old no matter what the requested/consented time frames are. Results are paginated, with a link to the next page being available inside the Links object.

GET /open-banking/v3.1/aisp/accounts/{id}/transactions

We are fully transparent about our transaction charges, so you will find fees attached to transactions in either of the following ways:

  • Embedded [DEFAULT]: Using the OBReadTransaction5/Data/Transaction/ChargeAmount object. Fees represented this way will be embedded into the transactions amount. This might make sense for most AISPs.
  • Fee Split : Showing fees as separate DEBIT transactions with an attached reference to the original transaction. Fees represented this way will not be embedded in the original transaction amount. This might make sense for some AISPs, like account software providers.

Note: This endpoint is also available for v3.1.11 (simply replace v3.1 with v3.1.11 in the URL). The v3.1.11 version should return a list of transactions that is more in line with what the users see in their balance statements. Be aware of the fact that the IDs of the transactions returned by the v3.1.11 version are different from the ones returned by the v3.1 version.

Direct Debits

Querying the direct debits endpoint will return the list of set up direct debits on a specific account

GET /open-banking/v3.1/aisp/accounts/{id}/direct-debits

Every consent object created for initiating payments will have a CutOffDateTime attached which is set to be 30 minutes after the creation of the consent. After the 30 minutes have lapsed, the Payment Order creation will be rejected.

We are supporting both UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber as well as UK.OBIE.IBAN for account identification.

At the moment we are only able to pass on a single reference to the debtor, which is Initiation/RemittanceInformation/Reference if present, or Initiation/EndToEndIdentification otherwise. The accepted size of the reference field varies based on the currency of the transfer. For EUR transfers you'll be able to leverage the full length of 35 characters of this field, however for GBP transfers this field length is restricted to a maximum of 18 characters. The reason for this restriction is also detailed in OB Payment Message Format Mapping. In case of FPS, this field gets mapped to both ISO8583 Field 62 as well as Field 120.

Domestic Payments

POST /open-banking/v3.1/pisp/domestic-payments

GET /open-banking/v3.1/pisp/domestic-payments/{id}

The Domestic Payments endpoint can be used to initiate same currency transfers. You can initiate domestic payments in any of the supported currencies by Wise, assuming the consenting user already holds an open account in the requested currency.

International Payments

POST /open-banking/v3.1/pisp/international-payments

GET /open-banking/v3.1/pisp/international-payments/{id}

The International Payments endpoint can be used to initiate transfers where the source currency is different than the target currency. You can use it to initiate a payment with:

  • Fixed Source Amount : OBInternational2/InstructedAmount/Currency and OBInternational2/CurrencyOfTransfer are different.

    • The source currency and amount are specified using OBInternational2/InstructedAmount. The currency can be any of the supported currencies by Wise, assuming the consenting user already holds an open account in the requested currency.
    • The target currency of the transfer is specified using OBInternational2/CurrencyOfTransfer. The instructed amount will be converted to the CurrencyOfTransfer and sent out to the specified CreditorAccount.

  • Fixed Target Amount : OBInternational2/InstructedAmount/Currency and OBInternational2/CurrencyOfTransfer are the same.

    • The source currency of the transfer can either be specified using OBInternational2/ExchangeRateInformation/UnitCurrency, or it can be left unspecified, allowing the Wise customer to choose one of his eligible currency accounts during the Authorization Flow. The customer's choice of source currency, the exchange rate used, and any additional charges are clearly communicated to the customer as well as reflected to the TPP via the Payment Resource.
    • The target currency and amount are specified using OBInternational2/InstructedAmount.

We are only supporting INDICATIVE ExchangeRateInformation during the creation of the International Payment Consent. The real exchange rate used, along with any fees will be clearly communicated to the customer during the consent authorization, as well as reflected to the PISP during the creation of the International Payment Resource.

POST /open-banking/v3.1/cbpii/funds-confirmations

The confirmation of funds endpoint can be used to check whether the consented user has a specific amount on any of its opened currency accounts.

As part of regular maintenance or other special cases client certificates need to be changed from time to time. Depending on your integration type you might be able to do this in an automated or a manual way.

Open Banking Directory Participants

  • OBWAC/OBSeal certificates are automatically added to your JWKS resource endpoints and you should be able to use your new certificates automatically as soon as they get associated with your Software Statement in the Directory.
  • eIDAS certificates are treated similarly to OBWAC/OBSeal certificates as long as the issuing and root certificates haven't changed. If any certificate in your eIDAS trust chain has changed, you'll need to reach out to for a manual update.

Other Participants

In case you're not an Open Banking Directory Participant we will only be able to update your certificates manually. Please reach out to well ahead of your previous certificate becoming invalid to allow for enough time for our support team to handle your request.

The latest version of our Open Banking performance and availability report can be found here.