View card transactions

These APIs allow you to retrieve information on transactions that are made on your user's cards.

GET /v3/spend/profiles/{{profileId}}/cards/transactions/{{transactionId}}

Retrieve a card transaction based on its transaction ID.

Example Request
curl -X GET '{{profileId}}/cards/transactions/{{transactionId}}
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>'


The possible type values are:

  • ACCOUNT_CREDIT - Receiving money on the card, excluding Visa OCT or Mastercard MoneySend
  • ACCOUNT_FUNDING - Sending money to another card or e-wallet
  • CASH_ADVANCE - Cash disbursement
  • CASH_WITHDRAWAL - ATM withdrawal
  • CHARGEBACK - Currently unused. Reserved for future use.
  • CREDIT_TRANSACTION - Visa OCT and Mastercard MoneySend
  • ECOM_PURCHASE - Online purchase
  • POS_PURCHASE - Purchase via a POS Terminal
  • REFUND - Partial or full refund of an existing card transaction

The possible state values are listed here

When a refund happens, a separate transaction will be added with a REFUND transaction type.

Example Response
"id": "342671",
"cardToken": "59123122-223d-45f9-b840-0ad4a4f80937",
"type": "REFUND",
"declineReason": null,
"createdDate": "2022-11-28T08:17:54.241236Z",
"state": "IN_PROGRESS",
"cardLastDigits": "3086",
"transactionAmount": {
"amount": -1.5,
"currency": "SGD"
"fees": [],
"transactionAmountWithFees": {
"amount": -1.5,
"currency": "SGD"
"merchant": {
"name": "Test Payment",
"location": {
"country": "France",
"city": "Rouen",
"zipCode": "00000",
"region": null,
"state": null
"category": {
"name": "RMiscellaneousAndSpecial",
"code": "5999",
"description": "5999 R Miscellaneous and Special"
"authorisationMethod": "MANUAL_ENTRY",
"balanceTransactionId": 2598366,
"debits": [],
"credit": {
"balanceId": 52832,
"creditedAmount": {
"amount": 1.5,
"currency": "SGD"