Balance Statement
Balance statements contains transactional activities on a Wise Multi-Currency Account.
Account holder type (PERSONAL
Account holder address street
Account holder address city
Account holder address zipcode
Account holder address state
Account holder address country
Account holder first name
Account holder last name
Account issuer name
Account issuer address street
Account issuer address city
Account issuer address zipcode
Account issuer address state
Account issuer address country
Your local bank details
Date of when transaction was created
Transaction amount
Transaction currency code
Transaction fee amount
Transaction fee currency code
Type (CARD
Human readable explanation about the transaction
Amount in original currency (card transactions abroad)
Original currency code (ISO 4217 Alphabetic Code)
Deposit sender name
Deposit sender bank account details
Deposit payment reference text
Card transaction category
Card transaction merchant name
Merchant address street
Merchant address zipcode
Merchant address city
Merchant address state
Merchant address country
Merchant category
Exchange target amount
Exchange currency code (ISO 4217 Alphabetic Code)
Exchange source amount
Exchange currency code (ISO 4217 Alphabetic Code)
Exchange rate
Running balance after the transaction
Running balance currency code (ISO 4217 Alphabetic Code)
Wise assigned unique transaction reference number, this number can be used to map the refunds to the transfer that was refunded.
Closing balance for specified time period
Closing balance currency code (ISO 4217 Alphabetic Code)
Query parameter repeated
Query parameter repeated
Query parameter repeated
Query parameter repeated
{"accountHolder": {"type": "PERSONAL","address": {"addressFirstLine": "Veerenni 24","city": "Tallinn","postCode": "12112","stateCode": "","countryName": "Estonia"},"firstName": "Oliver","lastName": "Wilson"},"issuer": {"name": "TransferWise Ltd.","firstLine": "56 Shoreditch High Street","city": "London","postCode": "E1 6JJ","stateCode": "","country": "United Kingdom"},"bankDetails": null,"transactions": [{"type": "DEBIT","date": "2018-04-30T08:47:05.832Z","amount": {"value": -7.76,"currency": "EUR"},"totalFees": {"value": 0.04,"currency": "EUR"},"details": {"type": "CARD","description": "Card transaction of 6.80 GBP issued by TFL TRAVEL CH","amount": {"value": 6.8,"currency": "GBP"},"category": "Transportation Suburban and Loca","merchant": {"name": "","firstLine": null,"postCode": "SW1H 0TL ","city": "TFL TRAVEL CH","state": " ","country": "GB","category": "Transportation Suburban and Loca"}},"exchangeDetails": {"forAmount": {"value": 6.8,"currency": "GBP"},"rate": null},"runningBalance": {"value": 16.01,"currency": "EUR"},"referenceNumber": "CARD-249281"},{"type": "CREDIT","date": "2018-04-17T07:47:00.227Z","amount": {"value": 200,"currency": "EUR"},"totalFees": {"value": 0,"currency": "EUR"},"details": {"type": "DEPOSIT","description": "Received money from HEIN LAURI with reference SVWZ+topup card","senderName": "HEIN LAURI","senderAccount": "EE76 1700 0170 0049 6704 ","paymentReference": "SVWZ+topup card"},"exchangeDetails": null,"runningBalance": {"value": 207.69,"currency": "EUR"},"referenceNumber": "TRANSFER-34188888"},{"type": "CREDIT","date": "2018-04-10T05:58:34.681Z","amount": {"value": 9.94,"currency": "EUR"},"totalFees": {"value": 0,"currency": "EUR"},"details": {"type": "CONVERSION","description": "Converted 8.69 GBP to 9.94 EUR","sourceAmount": {"value": 8.69,"currency": "GBP"},"targetAmount": {"value": 9.94,"currency": "EUR"},"fee": {"value": 0.03,"currency": "GBP"},"rate": 1.147806},"exchangeDetails": null,"runningBalance": {"value": 9.94,"currency": "EUR"},"referenceNumber": "CONVERSION-1511237"}],"endOfStatementBalance": {"value": 9.94,"currency": "EUR"},"query": {"intervalStart": "2018-03-01T00:00:00Z","intervalEnd": "2018-04-30T23:59:59.999Z","currency": "EUR","accountId": 64}}
GET /v1/profiles/{{profileId}}/balance-statements/{{balanceId}}/statement.json?currency=EUR&intervalStart=2018-03-01T00:00:00.000Z&intervalEnd=2018-03-15T23:59:59.999Z&type=COMPACT
This endpoint allows for statements to be generated for the provided balanceId, with the response in JSON. To generate in CSV, PDF, XLSX, CAMT.053, MT940 or QIF, replace statement.json with statement.csv, statement.pdf, statement.xlsx, statement.xml, statement.mt940 or statement.qif respectively in the above URL. Note that the PDF includes Wise branding.
The period between intervalStart and intervalEnd cannot exceed 469 days (around 1 year 3 months).
Currency of the balance statement requested
Statement start time in UTC time
Statement end time in UTC time
for a single statement line per transactionFLAT
for accounting statements where transaction fees are on a separate line
Language that you wish the statement to be in. Supports 2 character language codes
Returns a balance statement object.
curl -X GET{{profileId}}/balance-statements/{{balanceId}}/statement.json?currency=EUR&intervalStart=2018-03-01T00:00:00.000Z&intervalEnd=2018-03-15T23:59:59.999Z&type=COMPACT \-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>'