User Security

User security allow users to set up security related protections over API.

POST /v1/user/pin

The Create PIN API is currently in closed Beta and subject to change. Please speak with your implementation manager if you would like to use this API

Create PIN for a user as a form of authentication.

Can be used to verify pin when accessing a strongly protected endpoint via One Time Token Framework.



A four digits string.


Possible HTTP status codes

204 - No Content

PIN is created successfully.

409 - Conflict

PIN has already been created.

Example Request
curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/jose+json' \
-H 'X-TW-JOSE-Method: jwe' \
-H 'Accept: application/jose+json' \
-H 'Accept-Encoding: *' \
-d '{
"pin": "1111"

DELETE /v1/users/{{userId}}/pin

Can be used to remove the PIN from the user's account.

This endpoint is restricted and requires both an application token and additional access to use. Please speak with your implementation manager if you would like to use this API

Path Variable


User ID.


Possible HTTP status codes

204 - No Content

PIN is deleted successfully.

404 - PIN Not Setup

PIN is not setup for this user.

Example Request
curl -X DELETE{{userId}}/pin \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your application token>'
Response - PIN Not Setup (404)
"errors": [{
"code": "pin.not.setup",
"message": "PIN has not been setup."

POST /v1/user/facemap/enrol

The Enrol FaceMap API is currently in closed Beta and subject to change. Please speak with your implementation manager if you would like to use this API

Enrol FaceMap: Facial biometric enrolment for Strong Customer Authentication (SCA).

Can be used to verify facemap when accessing a strongly protected endpoint via One Time Token Framework.



Base64-encoded binary data as a string.

For more details how to get this binary, please read FaceTec's export API.

To retrieve Wise's FaceTec public key, please refer to our FaceTec's Get Public Key API.


Possible HTTP status codes

204 - No Content

Enrollment is successful.

409 - Conflict

FaceMap has already been enrolled.

Example Request
curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>'
-d '{
"faceMap": "<encrypted_face_map_in_base64_string>"

DELETE /v1/users/{{userId}}/facemap/enrol

Can be used to remove the FaceMap from the user's account.

This endpoint is restricted and requires both an application token and additional access to use. Please speak with your implementation manager if you would like to use this API

Path Variable


User ID.


Possible HTTP status codes

204 - No Content

FaceMap is deleted successfully.

404 - FaceMap Not Setup

FaceMap is not setup for this user.

Example Request
curl -X DELETE{{userId}}/facemap/enrol \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your application token>'
Response - FaceMap Not Setup (404)
"errors": [{
"code": "facemap.not.setup",
"message": "FaceMap has not been setup."

POST /v1/user/partner-device-fingerprints

A device fingerprint represents a string that identifies a unique device.

This endpoint is used to register the fingerprint of the device as one of the allowed devices used during an One Time Token (OTT) challenge.

This can be used to verify device fingerprint when clearing a OTT.



A string that is used as a device fingerprint

Example Request
curl -X POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/jose+json' \
-H 'X-TW-JOSE-Method: jwe' \
-H 'Accept: application/jose+json' \
-H 'Accept-Encoding: *' \
-d '{
"deviceFingerprint: "3207da22-a0d3-4b6b-a591-6297e646fe32"



Identifier of the device fingerprint


Timestamp on when the device fingerprint was created

Possible HTTP status codes

200 - HTTP OK

The device fingerprint has been successfully created.

409 - Conflict

The device fingerprint has already been created.

400 - Bad Request

Maximum number of device fingerprints reached (defaulted to 3).

Example Response
"deviceFingerprintId": "636a5514-aa86-4719-8700-e9a9a0ae7ea7",
"createdAt": "2024-05-24T07:27:58.273205554Z"

POST /v1/users/{{userId}}/partner-device-fingerprints

Returns a list of device fingerprints created for this user.

Example Request
curl -X POST '{{userId}}/partner-device-fingerprints' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your application token>'


List of device fingerprints

Identifier of the device fingerprint


Timestamp on when the device fingerprint was created

Possible HTTP status codes

200 - HTTP OK
404 - User Not Found

The user is not found

Example Response
"deviceFingerprintId": "636a5514-aa86-4719-8700-e9a9a0ae7ea7",
"createdAt": "2024-05-24T07:27:58.273205554Z"

DELETE /v1/users/{{userId}}/partner-device-fingerprints/{{deviceFingerprintId}}

Can be used to remove a specific device fingerprint from the allowed devices of a user.

This endpoint is restricted and requires both an application token and additional access to use. Please speak with your implementation manager if you would like to use this API

Path Variable


Device fingerprint ID.


Possible HTTP status codes

204 - No Content

Device fingerprint has been successfully removed.

404 - Not found

User or deviceFingerprintId is not found.

Example Request
curl -X DELETE{{userId}}/partner-device-fingerprints/{{deviceFingerprintId}} \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your application token>'

A resource used to define phone number stored in Wise.


ID of the phone number


A text representation of phone number.


Type of phone number when used in authentication.

Only PRIMARY is supported at the moment.


Indicator if phone number is verified.

Note that only verified phone number will be used as a form of authentication.


Client ID of which this phone number belongs to.

Phone Number
"id": 1230944,
"phoneNumber": "+6588888888",
"type": "PRIMARY",
"verified": true,
"clientId": "clientId"

GET /v1/application/users/{{userId}}/phone_numbers

This endpoint is restricted and requires both an application token and additional access to use. Please speak with your implementation manager if you would like to use this API

List verified phone numbers for a user.



User ID.


Returns a list of phone numbers.

Example Request
curl -X GET{{user_id}}/phone-numbers \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>'
Example Response
"id": 1230944,
"phoneNumber": "+6588888888",
"type": "PRIMARY",
"verified": true,
"clientId": "clientId"

POST /v1/application/users/{{userId}}/phone_numbers

This endpoint is restricted and requires both an application token and additional access to use. Please speak with your implementation manager if you would like to use this API

Create a verified phone number for a user.



A valid phone number in string.


HTTP Status Codes
200 - OK

Returns phone number

422 - Unprocessable Entity

The phone number is already associated with another account.

To authenticate users and prevent unauthorized access, we require each user to have a unique phone number that can be verified.

Example Request
curl -X POST{{user_id}}/phone-numbers \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>'
-d '{
"phoneNumber": "+6588888888"
Example Response - 200
"id": 1230944,
"phoneNumber": "+6588888888",
"type": "PRIMARY",
"verified": true,
"clientId": "clientId"
Example Response - 422
"errors": [{
"code": "phone.number.repeated",
"message": "It's linked to an account with the email ****"

PUT /v1/application/users/{{userId}}/phone_numbers/{{phoneNumberId}}

This endpoint is restricted and requires both an application token and additional access to use. Please speak with your implementation manager if you would like to use this API

Update a verified phone number for a user.



A valid phone number in string.


HTTP Status Codes
200 - OK

Returns phone number

422 - Unprocessable Entity

The phone number is already associated with another account.

To authenticate users and prevent unauthorized access, we require each user to have a unique phone number that can be verified.

Example Request
curl -X PUT{{user_id}}/phone-numbers/{{phoneNumberId}} \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>'
-d '{
"phoneNumber": "+6588888888"
Example Response - 200
"id": 1230944,
"phoneNumber": "+6588888888",
"type": "PRIMARY",
"verified": true,
"clientId": "clientId"
Example Response - 422
"errors": [{
"code": "phone.number.repeated",
"message": "It's linked to an account with the email ****"

DELETE /v1/application/users/{{userId}}/phone_numbers/{{phoneNumberId}}

This endpoint is restricted and requires both an application token and additional access to use. Please speak with your implementation manager if you would like to use this API

Deletes a verified phone number for a user.



User ID.


ID of a phone number.


HTTP Status Codes
204 - No Content

No Content.

Example Request
curl -X DELETE{{user_id}}/phone-numbers/{{phoneNumberId}} \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>'