The comparison API can be used to request price and speed information about various money transfer providers. This includes not only Wise but other providers in the market.
Price Estimation
The quotes (price and speed) provided by this API are based off of real quotes collected from 3rd party websites. We collect both the advertised exchange rate and fee for each provider for various amounts. When a comparison is requested, we calculate the markup percentage of the collected exchange rate on the mid-market rate at the time of collection. We then apply this markup to the current mid-market rate to provide a realistic estimate of what each provider offers. We collect data for all providers around once per hour to ensure we provide as accurate and up-to-date information as possible.
Note: Today, we only provide estimations for FX transactions with a Bank Transfer pay-in and pay-out option. This is important to stress as many providers offer significantly different fees and exchange rates when used debit/credit card, cash etc.
For more details on the data collection process please see the following page:
If you have questions or suspect any data to be inaccurate or incomplete please contact us at:
Delivery Estimation
Similar to price, we collect speed data for most (if not all) providers which we have price information for. Many providers display speed estimates to their customers in a number of different ways.
Some examples:
- "The transfer should be complete within 2-5 days"
- "The money should arrive in your account within 48 hours"
- "Should arrive by 26th Aug"
- "Could take up to 4 working days"
The below API intends to model these in a consistent format by providing a minimum and maximum range for all delivery estimations. An estimate that states "up to X" will have "max" set to a duration but "min" as null; "from X" will have "min" set to a duration and "max" as null. Finally, for those providers who offer a specific, point in time estimation (like Wise), the API will surface a duration where "min" and "max" are equal.
Quotes structure
In order to provide the most flexible and accurate data for clients, we surface a denormalized list of quotes per provider where each quote represents a unique collection of comparison "dimensions".
A single given provider may expose multiple quotes for the same currency route. The most common example is where a provider offers different pricing for two different countries which use the same currency, e.g.:
Provider X:
- GBP EUR 1000 [GB -> ES] fee: 10, rate: 1.5
- GBP EUR 1000 [GB -> DE] fee: 8, rate: 1.5
- GBP EUR 1000 [GB -> FR] fee: 10, rate: 1.35
The same principle applies for speed, i.e. a provider may have different speed estimates for different target countries. Hence, we expose these as discrete quotes, where a quote is a unique combination of route, country, speed and price factors.
A client may choose to reduce this set of quotes down to a single or several quotes in order to display a relevant quote to a given user. An example where we take the cheapest quote for a given currency route (and also surface the target country) can be seen at the below link:
Provider ID
Provider alias (lowercase slug name)
Provider name (presentational / formal name)
List of URLs pointing to provider logos (svg, png)
Provider type: bank, money transfer provider, or travel money
Whether a partner of Wise or not
An array of estimated quotes per provider
The live estimated exchange rate for the provider for this quote
The estimated fee for the provider for this quote
The date of collection for the original quote
Source country (ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code)
Target country (ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code)
Percentage markup on the quoted rate compared to the mid-market rate
The total estimated received amount for the provider for this quote (non-null only if a send amount request was made)
The total estimated send amount for the provider for this quote (non-null only if a recipient gets amount request was made)
Delivery estimation details - i.e. a speed estimate
Duration range
Minimum quoted time for transaction delivery
Maximum quoted time for transaction delivery
Whether a provider publicly surfaces a speed estimate or not
Whether the provider's rate is close enough to the true mid-market rate to be classified as a mid-market rate
{"sourceCurrency": "GBP","targetCurrency": "EUR","sourceCountry": null,"targetCountry": null,"providerCountry": null,"providerTypes": ["bank","moneyTransferProvider"],"amount": 10000.0,"amountType": "SEND","providers": [{"id": 39,"alias": "wise","name": "Wise","logos": {"normal": {"svgUrl": "","pngUrl": ""},"inverse": {"svgUrl": "","pngUrl": ""},"white": {"svgUrl": "","pngUrl": ""},"circle": {"svgUrl": "","pngUrl": null},"altText": "Wise"},"type": "moneyTransferProvider","partner": false,"quotes": [{"rate": 1.15989,"fee": 37.12,"dateCollected": "2019-10-22T14:36:43Z","sourceCountry": null,"targetCountry": null,"markup": 0.0,"receivedAmount": 11555.84,"sendAmount": null,"deliveryEstimation": {"duration": {"min": "PT20H8M16.305111S","max": "PT20H8M16.305111S"},"providerGivesEstimate": true},"isConsideredMidMarketRate": true}]},{"id": 1,"alias": "barclays","name": "Barclays","logos": {"normal": {"svgUrl": "","pngUrl": ""},"inverse": {"svgUrl": null,"pngUrl": null},"white": {"svgUrl": "","pngUrl": ""},"circle": {"svgUrl": "","pngUrl": null},"altText": "Barclays"},"type": "bank","partner": false,"quotes": [{"rate": 1.12792426,"fee": 0.0,"dateCollected": "2019-10-22T14:00:04Z","sourceCountry": "GB","targetCountry": "ES","markup": 2.75592858,"receivedAmount": 11279.24,"sendAmount": null,"deliveryEstimation": {"duration": {"min": "PT24H","max": "PT24H"},"providerGivesEstimate": true},"isConsideredMidMarketRate": false},...{"rate": 1.12792426,"fee": 0.0,"dateCollected": "2019-10-22T14:00:04Z","sourceCountry": "GB","targetCountry": "FI","markup": 2.75592858,"receivedAmount": 11279.24,"sendAmount": null,"deliveryEstimation": {"duration": {"min": "PT24H","max": "PT24H"},"providerGivesEstimate": true},"isConsideredMidMarketRate": false}]},...]}
GET /v4/comparisons/?sourceCurrency={{sourceCurrency}}&targetCurrency={{targetCurrency}}&sendAmount={{sendAmount}}
ISO 4217 source currency code
ISO 4217 target currency code
(Optional - must provide either sendAmount
or recipientGetsAmount
) Amount to send in source currency
(Optional - must provide either sendAmount
or recipientGetsAmount
) Amount to be received in target currency
(Optional) Current mid-market rate between the source and target currency
(Optional) Wise's fee, if the Wise quote is known
(Optional) Wise's estimated delivery timestamp, if the Wise quote is known
(Optional) Timestamp when the Wise quote was created
(Optional) Change the pay-in method of the Wise quote only (all other quotes will remain as bank transfer)
(Optional) Filter by source country (ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code)
(Optional) Filter by target country (ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code)
(Optional) Filter by provider country (ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code)
(Optional) Filter by most popular competitors
(Optional) Number of popular competitors to return if filter
is set to POPULAR
- default value is 4
(Optional) Filter by provider type
(Optional) Filter by specific provider aliases
(Optional) Exclude Wise's partner banks - default true
(Optional) Overrides filters to ensure Wise data is returned, even if exclusionary filters are applied
Returns a comparison object.
curl -X GET