Current and historical exchange rates by currency routes.
Exchange rate value.
Source(send) currency code
Target(receive) currency code
Timestamp for exchange rate.
{"rate": 1.166,"source": "EUR","target": "USD","time": "2018-08-31T10:43:31+0000"}
GET /v1/rates
Fetch latest exchange rates of all currencies.
GET /v1/rates?source=EUR&target=USD
Fetch latest exchange rate of one currency pair.
GET /v1/rates?source=EUR&target=USD&time=2019-02-13T14:53:01
Fetch exchange rate of specific historical timestamp.
GET /v1/rates?source=EUR&target=USD&from=2019-02-13T14:53:01&to=2019-03-13T14:53:01&group=day
Fetch exchange rate history over period of time with daily interval.
GET /v1/rates?source=EUR&target=USD&from=2019-02-13T14:53:01&to=2019-03-13T14:53:01&group=hour
Fetch exchange rate history over period of time with hourly interval.
GET /v1/rates?source=EUR&target=USD&from=2019-02-13T14:53:01&to=2019-03-13T14:53:01&group=minute
Fetch exchange rate history over period of time with 1 minute interval.
Source(send) currency code.
Target(receive) currency code.
Timestamp to get historic exchange rate.
Period start date/time to get exchange rate history.
Period end date/time to get exchange rate history.
Interval: day hour minute
List of exchange rate values which meet your query criteria.
Additional notes about date/time formatting used above
The request/response field(s) below support both Timestamp (combined date and time) and Date (date only) formats:
Field | Sample |
from | 2019-03-13T14:53:01 or 2019-03-13 |
to | 2019-03-13T14:53:01+0100 or 2019-03-13+0100 |
The request/response field(s) below support only Timestamp (combined date and time):
Field | Sample |
time | 2019-03-13T14:53:01 or 2019-03-13T14:53:01+0100 |
Timezone offset is supported but optional.
curl -X GET https://api.sandbox.transferwise.tech/v1/rates?source=EUR&target=USD \-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>'
[{"rate": 1.166,"source": "EUR","target": "USD","time": "2018-08-31T10:43:31+0000"}]