These APIs are designed for you to be able to manage your consumer's cards easily, allowing you to set spending limits, modify the status of the cards, or view a list of cards that belong to a specific profile.
The primary resource that you will be interacting with when managing your user's cards.
Profile ID
Client ID
Status Text
Name of the card holder
Date when the card will expire
Last 4 digits of the card number
Bank identification number of the card
Phone number of the card
Name of the card program
Scheme of the card program. E.g. VISA
Default currency of the card. E.g. GBP
Type of the card. E.g. PHYSICAL
Method with which physical card spending permissions can be unlocked. One of WITH_PARTNER_API
. Digital cards will have NONE
as the method since there are no applicable physical spending permissions. A card with WITH_PARTNER_API
as the unlock method will have spending permissions unlocked when its associated card order status is updated to COMPLETED
with the update card order status API. For more information, refer to this guide
Time when the card is created
Time when the card was last modified
Table of available card status and descriptions
Code | Description |
ACTIVE | Card is active and can be used |
INACTIVE | Card is inactive and all transactions will be declined |
BLOCKED | Card is blocked and cannot be reversed back to any state |
FROZEN | Card is “blocked” but temporarily |
PARTNER_SUSPENDED | Card is suspended by Wise temporarily due to e.g. fraud reasons. |
EXPIRED | Card is expired |
PURGED | The cardholder data (e.g. PAN, PIN) has been purged after the retention period (555 days after the card's expiry date) |
{"token": "ca0c8154-1e14-4464-a1ce-dcea7dc3de52","profileId": 123456,"clientId": "wise_api_docs","status": {"value": "ACTIVE"},"cardHolderName": "John Smith","expiryDate": "2028-05-31T00:00:00Z","lastFourDigits": "6320","bankIdentificationNumber": "459661","phoneNumber": "+441234567890","cardProgram": {"name": "VISA_DEBIT_BUSINESS_UK_1","scheme": "VISA","defaultCurrency": "GBP","cardType" : "VIRTUAL_NON_UPGRADEABLE"},"unlockSpendingPermissions": "WITH_PARTNER_API","creationTime": "2022-05-31T01:43:24.596321434Z","modificationTime": "2022-05-31T01:43:24.596321825Z"}
The Permissions resource returns information on the existing permissions that are configured on your user's cards.
The type of transaction. One of ECOM
A flag to indicate if a specific type of permission is enabled
A flag to indicate if a specific type of permission is locked. If locked, the permission cannot be enabled
{"type": "ECOM","isEnabled": false,"isLocked": false}
Wise is a PCI DSS compliant provider, and stores all of your cards' data securely. The scope for PCI compliance depends on your use case and will impact how you integrate with Wise.
Sensitive card details endpoints allows you to retrieve card data such as Primary Account Number, CVV or PIN. You can use it to set a pin if required in the card order flow. For all sensitive card details endpoints, please follow the detailed guide.
Fetch RSA encryption key
This endpoint is used to fetch our RSA public key. This key is required in the sensitive card details flow.
Version of the key
The RSA public key
curl -X GET 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>'
{"version": 1,"key": "<encryption key>"}
Get Card Sensitive Details
This endpoint is used to fetch the card Primary Account Number, security code (CVV2), expiry date and cardholder name. It requires an api token
and a card token
set in the headers.
The version of the key to use. It is always set to 1.
Your JWE payload.
An arbitrary UUID issued from the cryptographic communication
Your card CVV2
Your card Primary Account Number
Your card expiry date
Name on the card
curl -X POST 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>'-H 'x-tw-twcard-card-token: <your card token>'-d '{"keyVersion": 1,"encryptedPayload": <your JWE>}'
{"nonce": "33d51227-9ad6-4624-b4b7-7853b56076dd","cvv2": "111","pan": "4396910000012345","expiryDate": "10/31","cardholderName": "John Smith"}
Get Card PIN
This endpoint is used to fetch the card PIN. It requires an api token
and a card token
set in the headers.
The version of the key to use. It is always set to 1.
Your JWE payload.
An arbitrary UUID issued from the cryptographic communication
Your card pin
curl -X POST 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>'-H 'x-tw-twcard-card-token: <your card token>'-d '{"keyVersion": 1,"encryptedPayload": <your JWE>}'
{"nonce": "33d51227-9ad6-4624-b4b7-7853b56076dd","pin": "1234",}
POST /v3/spend/profiles/{{profileId}}/cards/{{cardToken}}/reset-pin-count
If the wrong PIN have been entered more that 3 times, future transactions on the card will be blocked with PIN_ENTRY_TRIES_EXCEEDED
error message.
To unblock your transactions, use this endpoint to reset the PIN count to 0.
Additionally, there are instances where you will also need to reset the PIN count directly at the ATM.
200 - No Content
curl -X POST{{profileId}}/cards/{{cardToken}}/reset-pin-count \-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>' \-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
GET /v3/spend/profiles/{{profileId}}/cards?pageSize=10&pageNumber=1
Returns a list of cards that belong to a specific profileId
The maximum number of cards to return per page. This number can be between 10 - 100, and will default to 10
The page number to retrieve the next set of cards. The number has to be greater than 1, and will default to 1
curl -X GET{{profileId}}/cards?pageSize=10&pageNumber=1 \-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>'
The total number of cards for this profileId
A collection of Cards for this profileId
{"cards": [{"token": "ca0c8154-1e14-4464-a1ce-dcea7dc3de52","profileId": 123456,"clientId": "wise_api_docs","status": {"value": "ACTIVE"},"cardHolderName": "John Smith","expiryDate": "2028-05-31T00:00:00Z","lastFourDigits": "6320","bankIdentificationNumber": "459661","phoneNumber": "+441234567890","cardProgram": {"name": "VISA_DEBIT_BUSINESS_UK_1","scheme": "VISA","defaultCurrency": "GBP","cardType": "VIRTUAL_NON_UPGRADEABLE"},"creationTime": "2022-05-31T01:43:24.596321434Z","modificationTime": "2022-05-31T01:43:24.596321825Z"}],"totalCount": 1}
GET /v3/spend/profiles/{{profileId}}/cards/{{cardToken}}
Retrieves a card based on the cardToken
curl -X GET{{profileId}}/cards/{{cardToken}} \-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>'
Returns a Card resource.
{"token": "ca0c8154-1e14-4464-a1ce-dcea7dc3de52","profileId": 123456,"clientId": "wise_api_docs","status": {"value": "ACTIVE"},"cardHolderName": "John Smith","expiryDate": "2028-05-31T00:00:00Z","lastFourDigits": "6320","bankIdentificationNumber": "459661","phoneNumber": "+441234567890","cardProgram": {"name": "VISA_DEBIT_BUSINESS_UK_1","scheme": "VISA","defaultCurrency": "GBP","cardType" : "VIRTUAL_NON_UPGRADEABLE"},"creationTime": "2022-05-31T01:43:24.596321434Z","modificationTime": "2022-05-31T01:43:24.596321825Z"}
PUT /v3/spend/profiles/{{profileId}}/cards/{{cardToken}}/status
Update the status of a card based on its cardToken
The status that you want to update the card to. One of ACTIVE
The definition for the status values are:
- the card is active and usableFROZEN
- the card is temporarily frozen resulting in all authorisation requests to be declinedBLOCKED
- the card is irreversibly blocked and is no longer usable
curl -X PUT{{profileId}}/cards/{{cardToken}}/status \-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>' \-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \-d '{"status": "ACTIVE"}'
Returns a Card object.
{"token": "ca0c8154-1e14-4464-a1ce-dcea7dc3de52","profileId": 123456,"clientId": "wise_api_docs","status": {"value": "ACTIVE"},"cardHolderName": "John Smith","expiryDate": "2028-05-31T00:00:00Z","lastFourDigits": "6320","bankIdentificationNumber": "459661","phoneNumber": "+441234567890","cardProgram": {"name": "VISA_DEBIT_BUSINESS_UK_1","scheme": "VISA","defaultCurrency": "GBP","cardType" : "VIRTUAL_NON_UPGRADEABLE"},"creationTime": "2022-05-31T01:43:24.596321434Z","modificationTime": "2022-05-31T01:43:24.596321825Z"}
GET /v3/spend/profiles/{{profileId}}/cards/{{cardToken}}/spending-permissions
Retrieves permissions for a card.
A collection of Permissions
curl -X GET{{profileId}}/cards/{{cardToken}}/spending-permissions \-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>'
{"permissions": [{"type": "ECOM","isEnabled": false,"isLocked": false},{"type": "POS_CHIP","isEnabled": true,"isLocked": false},{"type": "ATM_WITHDRAWAL","isEnabled": false,"isLocked": false},{"type": "MOBILE_WALLETS","isEnabled": true,"isLocked": false},{"type": "POS_CONTACTLESS","isEnabled": false,"isLocked": true},{"type": "POS_MAGSTRIPE","isEnabled": false,"isLocked": true}]}
PATCH /v3/spend/profiles/{{profileId}}/cards/{{cardToken}}/spending-permissions
Enable or disable permissions on a card.
One of ECOM
A flag indicating if the permissions for a specific type
are enabled
Returns a 200 - No Content
curl -X PATCH{{profileId}}/cards/{{cardToken}}/spending-permissions \-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>'--d '{"type": <permission type>,"isEnabled": <true or false>}'