Security & Access

Wise uses standard OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication and authorization.

Once our partnership begins, we’ll send you API access credentials for the sandbox environment consisting of a Client ID and a Client Secret. The credentials are needed to either create users over API or complete the authorization_code OAuth 2.0 grant type through which the customer will allow your application access to their account.

The Client secret is a very sensitive piece of data as it could be used to impersonate your institution on the Wise Platform API. It should be handled and stored with the upmost care, seen by as few people as possible and stored in a secure secret storage solution, preferably away from any other Wise data such as user API access tokens.

We also need redirect_url from your technical team which is used to forward users to after successfully granting your application access to their Wise account. Specifying this explicitly makes the integration more secure. This article about OAuth 2.0 framework is a great way to refresh your knowledge about the protocol itself.

Follow the guides below to make your integration with Wise API more secure.