Direct Debit Account
A direct debit account represents details of your external bank account. It is used for funding batches via direct debit.
Direct debit account ID
Currency of a bank account. 3 character currency code. Should be "USD" for ACH direct debits.
Payment type for which account is used
Currency specific fields
A valid ABA routing number. For CAD direct debits, the routing number is a combination of an institution number + transit number.
A valid bank account number
Bank account type
Bank Account Type
Name | Description | Currencies |
CHECKING | Checking account | USD, CAD |
SAVINGS | Savings account | USD, CAD |
Direct Debit Account Payment Type
Name | Description | Currencies |
ACH | US Direct debit | USD |
EFT | CA Direct debit | CAD |
{"id": 1,"currency": "USD","type": "ACH","details": {"routingNumber": "000000000","accountNumber": "0000000000","accountType": "CHECKING"}}
POST /v1/profiles/{{profileId}}/direct-debit-accounts
Create a new direct debit account.
Currency of a bank account. 3 character currency code. Should be "USD" for ACH direct debits.
"ACH" for USD direct debits; "EFT" for CAD direct debits.
Currency specific fields
A valid ABA routing number. For CAD direct debits, the routing number is a combination of an institution number + transit number.
A valid bank account number
Bank account type (Either CHECKING or SAVINGS)
Returns a direct debit account object.
curl -X POST{{profileId}}/direct-debit-accounts \-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>' \-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \-d '{"currency": "USD","type": "ACH","details": {"routingNumber": "000000000","accountNumber": "0000000000","accountType": "CHECKING"}}'
GET /v1/profiles/{{profileId}}/direct-debit-accounts?type={{type}}¤cy={{currencyCode}}
Get a list of your direct debit accounts. Use "type" and "currency" query parameters to filter accounts by type and currency.
Required. A payment type for which account is used.
Required. Currency of a bank account. 3 character currency code. Should be "USD" for ACH direct debits; "CAD" for EFT direct debits.
Returns a direct debit account object.
curl -X GET{{profileId}}/direct-debit-accounts?type={{type}}¤cy={{currencyCode}} \-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your api token>'